Conservation Organizations Assignment


There are many conservation organizations active in Alberta and the rest of Canada. These organizations support wildlife, waterfowl, hunting, fishing, land conservation, wetland conservation, etc…. Your assignment is to create a table with at least 20 – yes twenty – organizations currently operating in Alberta and/or Canada. For each organization, include the following information in the table (best done in landscape orientation):





Location of Operations

For Profit/Not for Profit

Wildlife Supported

Land-Type Supported

Conservation Statement

Description of Operations

Ducks Unlimited

Canada, United States, Mexico



Wetlands, Uplands

To Conserve Wetlands

Organized to support sustaining wetlands and nesting habitat for waterfowl


Create a table and look for these organizations. A heads up – the next step will be examining an African conservation organization and comparing it to a similar Canadian organization and finding out things are done similarly/differently.